Q & A

March 25th, 1997

The following are questions gathered from visitors of the site, and their respective answers from myself and the Hiero Crew. If you have any questions you would like answered within these pages, please let us know by emailing me at [email protected].

I feel like I have to get this off my chest. If you have serious pull with the Hiero click, get them off their asses ('specially Del!) and get "Future Development" out on some racks at the Wherehouse and shit. Peace and continue dropping the news online for all of us true Hiero fans...

This goes back to what we were saying in my last editorial: To Del, Future Development's time has passed. It's old news to him. He's already working on his next album, at which time he will have a big release into stores and whatnot, like any other "normal" album would. Expect some major new announcements from the crew, by means of this page, very soon.

StinkE, what the hell is wrong with Hiero Online's RealAudio? I keep getting "error 29" messages.

Word. The server is due for an upgrade to also handle the new RealVideo formats. Some of the error messages are partial to this new upgrade. The other error messages stem from our server being swarmed with heads since we released the Family Album single and "Future Development". When the new server for RealVideo is implemeted, we will be able to handle nearly double the amount of streams we can now (40).

Just checking out the old news bulletins and I got to wondering, what ever happened to those two albums Casual was working on last year? Are those ever gonna make an appearance on the Online Store?

Casual's actually recording his new album as you read this. He's incorporating tracks from his other 3 (not 2 as you mentioned above) albums into his new one. One track I'm allowed to talk about is one with Casual and Craig G busting out a freestyle! Cas is keeping this album under wraps. More news should become available after the release of the Family Album.

Will any of the songs on Del's "Future Development" tape be on the Family Album?

Some tracks originally planned for "Future Development" (such as "Oakland Blackouts" and "No Nuts") have been transfered, and in most cases altered for the Family Album. Tracks such as these will be exclusive to the Family Album and have been yanked from the "Future Development" we are currently selling in the online store.

I really enjoyed your Scavenger Hunt idea, but I think it's time to update it with some new sounds. Just an idea. . .

Sure, I'd love to. But constant promises by Hiero for new material have left me empty handed for months. Whenever they find 5 minutes to mail me new material, I'd be more than happy to start another scavenger hunt.

I'm curious how you feel about this new feature? Are there questions you want answered? Do you feel the layout could be better? Let Me Know!. Also, let's hear what you have to say about some of the issues discussed in this editorial on the Bulletin Board. Peace.


Copyright ©1996 StinkE Productions

Image Map To Navigate tHa tHReshHolD! DLoad this!

Hiero Logo courtesy Ethan Andrews.