Perhaps one of the most anticipated releases Hiero has ever conjured up is their forth-coming, yet to be named, Family album. Its combination of the first ever fully Hiero Family-oriented project, as well as its mystery of execution has many wondering, just what can we expect from the Hiero family album?
Final production has just started on the album, so I figured I could ask a few questions so that my bewilderment, and I'm sure yours as well, could be answered.
My first question was whether or not the entire album would be in the vain of "Burnt"; Hiero's first full-out collaborational B-Side. I was assured that there would be a great number of songs where the entire crew just rips shit together, but I was also told that the majority of the albums would be various collaborations of the crew, i.e., "new groups" would be formed. For example, one song may very well include only Del & Opio rhyming together, whereas another may be just Domino & Toure' battling it out. These various collaborations should showcase just how well the crew can work together. As always, I'll try my hardest to get some sound clips.
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