NEWS FOR September 1st, 1996

New Hiero Site Launches
After a slow summer, Hieroglyphics Online is back on top of things with all new content and an all new look.
12:00 AM

Del To Appear In Live Cybercast on September 2nd
Tha Funky One himself will take the role of a computer dork, and chat with hundreds of fans via IRC.
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Now Taking Votes For "Hiero Oldies II"
Domino is now taking suggestions on what songs should be on his "Oldies II" tape.
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New Hiero Group to Form
Think I'm lying??. . .
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Special Feature: Domino On The Family Album
I sat down with Domino and collected his thoughts on the upcoming Hiero Family Album.
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Order New Souls Single
"The Unseen Hand" is now waiting for your turn-table or cassette deck!
12:00 AM

Hieroglyphics Dot Com strives to give you, the fan, exactly what you want. If you feel there is something lacking from our site, please email us at [email protected] with your comments, complaints, or whatever else you have on your mind.

Hieroglyphics Online: The New Paradigm in Online Hip-Hop Entertainment.

Copyright ©1996 StinkE Productions

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