Dot Com's message board for 4 years and running is about
to get a total upgrade. The only section of the site
to remain constant in appearance for the 5 year's hieroglyphics.com
has been online, Hiero
Hoopla has become the definitive meeting ground
for Hiero Heads worlwide to discuss politics, music
interests, videogames and a host of various topics including,
of course, all things Hiero. While it was in our best
interest to keep the board the way it was in its simplicity
and elogance, we are completing the last phase in our
move to our new dedicated server. As such, the scripts
that run the bulletin board are propriatary to our former
web hosting company, Webcom and can not be transfered
over to work on our new server. So as we remove the
last final bits from the old server to the new, we say
goodbye to our web hosting company for 5 years, and
with it, the first fully-dedicated chat board to Hieroglyphics.
The new board will resume its name of "Hiero Hoopla"
and includes a host of new functionality and user-interaction.
While the new board will launch in its "out of
the box" appearance (bland and dull, admittedly)
we will be preparing a look that is on par with the
rest of the site, if not better. We appreciate all the
contributions made in topics and discussion over the
years, and thank everyone for their participation in
growing a living, thriving community online.
One luv!