NOTE: This Part of the Site Is No Longer Updated - 09.26.00

HDC: So what's the deal man? That meat looks kinda good.

J: Ugh. Yea. Dis meat right here the shit.

HDC: Is it chicken?? Beef??

J: Dis my meat. You wan flex?

HDC: What?

J: Just cause I have a mustache doesn't mean I'm a sailor.

HDC: What? What are you talking about?

J: Yea. This is my meat. Everybody want Joey's meat. Peep my shades beeotch.


October 25th 1999

Yes. we are going to bring this section back! But we need your help. Send us your inquiring emails and we'll answer some of em right here. To get the ball rolling, here's some of the more frequently asked questions of late:

When the FUCK is "Both Sides of the Brain" coming out??

January of 2000. It was supposed to drop in October (this month) but Distributors seem to never pass up a good game if it's within their power to come up with one to play. So that spells a 3 month delay for everyone else. However nothing is being rushed, so have comfort in the fact that this album will be executed to perfection. And oh is it so lovely...

Why the FUCK did you lunch so hard on the re-design?

Yea, it's been a long time coming but we all had shit we had to take care of. I can only apologize and wonder if the new design fixes any outstanding boo-boo's? But know Hiero is taking over in the new millenium. We worked in the background the entire time the site was "de-constructing".

Where the FUCK are the artists pages?

Yea, we ain't forget about thems. We actually have something even grander planned for all that. This is a massive phase we have just initiated with this new design at Hiero Dot Com. There's more to this. Remember, it was a year in the planning.



1998 Archives

Whoridin' Like Ere'Day FOOL!
Email the MailBag

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Updated Every So Often





